Orientation Day
October 26, 2021Business Plan Competition
December 20, 2021Brand Wars is an exercise that has been developed to give students a real-time understanding of how branding plays a vital role in creating the life-cycle of any product or service. Rivals brands virtually shun tirade against each other. We see this as a result of emergence of new media vehicles, new platforms to place brands and changed strategic priorities.
Mr. Jitender Singh, one of our faculty members, organized a Brand War competition on 24th November 2021 for the students. The purpose of this competition was to test the knowledge of the students about the different products offered by various renowned companies under their umbrella and their marketing partners.
Different products were shown to the students, and they were asked to tell the names of their manufacturing and marketing companies. Students were asked to raise their hands to answer. Those who raised their hand first got the chance to tell the answer. The products were won by the students who gave the quickest and right answers. Students participated with great zeal and won all the products shown during the event.